Blog of Vladimir Garvardt

on Programming, Life, the Universe and Everything

Vladimir Garvardt

Hello, I am Vladimir Garvardt

Feel free to email me to provide some feedback on the project, give suggestions, or to just say hello!

rKlotz - yet another blog engine in go

Finally, I made it! Started the project in July, worked on it for several days, then suspended it, returned several days ago, gave it new name, spent several evenings and now – it’s production-ready. About a half of year ago I started to lo... [Read more]

About Atlassian Confluence and hate

Atlassian manager who decided to remove markup mode from Confluence editor and leave only WYSIWYG mode hates programmers. That’s for sure! [Read more]

Some thoughts on language-specific ways of implementing things

There are lots of programming languages - some of them more popular, some less. But as I can see it - all languages were initially created to solve one problem (or set of problems) that existing languages solve it the wrong/complicated/any-other-word w... [Read more]

Do it carefully


3 Dec 2013 on rm -rf oops

Accidental rm -rf on wrong directory turns common evening into interesting one, shi… PS: everything could be much worse =) [Read more]

Favorite poem


26 Nov 2013 on poetry german deutsch

Now I do have favorite poem and it is in German. I’m learning German for about half of the year - very interesting language. And tonight I discovered Goethe poetry and a poem that I like very much. It is Erlkönig by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: We... [Read more]

FireFox and input type="date"


25 Nov 2013 on firefox html5 chrome

It was not surprise for me that latest stable, 11 for now, MS Internet Explorer does not support date input type. But I was shocked by the fact that the latest stable FireFox version, 25 for now, does not support it too! Actually, the only browser that... [Read more]

Interesting PHP DateTime::createFromFormat() behavior


7 Nov 2013 on php

In PHP DateTime::createFromFormat() method has one non-obvious behavior that I recendtly discovered. The best way to show is give quick and simple example. $dateStr = '2013-11-07T16:48:98+0400'; $dt = DateTime::createFromFormat(DateTime::ISO8601, $date... [Read more]

Django HTTP query array


25 Oct 2013 on django http python

HTTP queries in application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding type is simple key/value list and in the most cases this is enough. But sometimes it’s required to send more complex data types. Lists are supported in Django HttpRequest out of the box, ... [Read more]

Extending PHP array


24 Oct 2013 on php array OOP ArrayObject

Array is one of the most powerful and most used type in PHP. Actually this type combines functinality that other programming languages includes in different types. These types are linear array - list type in terms of Python or List interface in terms o... [Read more]

Hello Blog!


22 Oct 2013 on hello world

Second try on personal blog. This time I’ll post more than two articles =) [Read more]

built on top of rKlotz by Vladimir Garvardt